Advisory 2022-03 Potential Improper Authorization Checks When Manipulating Share Properties

Potential improper authorization

Security Advisory Date March 9, 2022
Vulnerability Type Potential unauthorized data access
Severity factors This vulnerability has a medium severity rating.
Versions affected All versions of FileCloud prior to 21.3
Version fixed FileCloud Version


This vulnerability enables potential manipulation of the share to allow unauthorized modifications to share properties. This issue requires an existing full user account in the system to attempt this unauthorized change and also requires high iteration algorithmic attempts to guess at the information in the share.


This has been fixed in FileCloud version

What you should do

  • If you are using FileCloud on-premises, it is recommended that you update to the latest version, which is or greater. This will resolve the issue.
  • If you are using FileCloud online, your site has already been updated to the latest version.

If you have any questions about this advisory, please contact us here!