FAQ OnlyOffice

OnlyOffice (4)

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Category: OnlyOffice

Please contact our Sales department a sales@beyondssl.com to request a quote.

Category: OnlyOffice

We specified how many people can have access to editing documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. The number of documents that can be edited at the same time is not limited.
Other registered users will be able to open documents only for viewing.
Please note: ONLYOFFICE recognizes a user ID for a period of 30 days. After that, you will be able to replace a user with a new one if necessary. If you share a document to external users, each of them receives a named user ID for a period of 30 days.

Category: OnlyOffice

ou can use all the ONLYOFFICE Workspace Enterprise Edition features available at the moment of the purchase for an unlimited period of time, but one year after the purchase date you will no longer be able to get free updates. If you want to update your ONLYOFFICE Workspace Enterprise Edition version later, you will need to purchase a new license key.

Category: OnlyOffice