by webadmin | Mar 23, 2022 | SparkView ReleaseNotes
Build 1002 1. Fixed AD Group member issue with server.json. 2. Updated sshdirect.html. 3. Enable smartCard in servers.json (set smartCard: true); 4. Organization name for Two factor authentication in gateway.conf (set organization in gateway.conf). Build 1001 1. Fixed...
by webadmin | Mar 19, 2022 | SparkView ReleaseNotes
Build 1001 1. Fixed shift and command key stuck issue when taking screenshot on macOS with Shift+CMD+4. 2. Fixed groups property in users.json not working issue when the group name is invalid (for Active Directory). 3. Credentials in SMB URL is not logged. Build 1000...
by webadmin | Mar 7, 2022 | SparkView ReleaseNotes
Build 1000 1. Support VMWare web console (./html//vmware/index.html, index2.html, need to turn on proxy support: set http.proxy.enable = true in gateway.conf); Build 999 1. SSH: reduced memory/CPU usage on gateway. 2. SSH: new CommandFilterInterface for monitoring...
by webadmin | Feb 22, 2022 | SparkView ReleaseNotes
Build 999 1. SSH: reduced memory/CPU usage on gateway. 2. SSH: new CommandFilterInterface for monitoring commands in plugin. 3. Added getHeader() method on com.toremote.recording.Merger to get metadata from recording files. 4. The session HTTP API returns...
by webadmin | Feb 9, 2022 | SparkView ReleaseNotes
Build 998 1. VNC: Added vnc.ciphers in gateway.conf for VNC TLS encryption. 2. SSH: Added ssh.ciphers in gaetway.conf for SSH encryption. Build 997 1. RDP: Fixed a failed to copy file issue when the file has specific size. 2. Added SessionInformation argument in...
by webadmin | Feb 3, 2022 | SparkView ReleaseNotes
Build 997 1. RDP: Fixed a failed to copy file issue when the file has specific size. 2. Added SessionInformation argument in com.toremote.gateway.plugin.Filterable.pipe method. 3. sessionRecord value will be returned too when you query information for a single session...