SparkView 5.8.0 – Build 922

Build 922: 1. Fixed Illegal char * issue on RDWeb feed integration (Invalid Windows Path). Build 921: 1. The gateway sets a JESSIONID cookie, which can be used by load balancer. 2 FILE: Fixed “Marlformed URL” exception in SMB2/SFTM file...

SparkView 5.8.0

5.8.0 July 4, 2019 File: SMB2 and SFTP access with file.html (SMB, SFTP proxy). RDP: Recording, drive redriection etc can use SMB share. RDP: Download (copy) files from RDP server directly without prompting (set fileUnprompted in gateway). RDP: Async text, image...

SparkView 5.7.0 – Build 919

Build 919 1. Fixed duplicated PrtScn key issue on Linux. 2. RDP: set box-sizing of PDF dialog as “content-box” to avoid boostrap css conflict. 3. RDP: removed “%%” from the PS to PDF convertion progress message. 4. RDP: Async image copy/paste...

SparkView 5.7.0 – Build 918

Build 918 1. Copy/paste file doesn’t depend on mapDisk = true any more. 2. File Manager UI can be sorted by clicking on the table tile. 3. Fixed url of copied image is not customizable issue (via rdp.modifyURL method). 4. Catch clipboard-read/write is not a...