SparkView 5.8.0 – Build 939

Build 939 1. Fixed time not displayed issue on symlink (config.html). 2. Added “Terminate related sessions” option for symlink (config.html). 3. Better RemoteApp handling. Build 938 1. ctrlToWin (default is true, false: no converting) and cmdToCtrl...

SparkView 5.8.0 – Build 938

Build 938 1. ctrlToWin (default is true, false: no converting) and cmdToCtrl (default true, false: convert to Windows key) parameters for key mapping on MacOS. 2. SSH: Support URXVT and SGR mouse modes. 3. New terminateAll property for symlink, the gateway will...

SparkView 5.8.0 – Build 935

Build 935 1. SSH: Fixed browser no response issue with large output. 2. RDP: Fixed appcfg.numLock = true not working issue on specific RDP severs. 3. RDP: Try to close all active RemoteApps when connection is disconnected by setting appcfg.closeRemoteApp = true. 4....

SparkView 5.8.0 – Build 934

Build 934 1. hi5.appcfg.ctrlToWin option to disable mapping Ctrl key to Windows key on macOS. 2. RDP: Fixed Numlock disabled issue when resizing the browser. Build 933 1. RDP: new onnetworkresult(result) event and getNetworkResult() for Network Characteristics....

SparkView 5.8.0 – Build 933

Build 933 1. RDP: new onnetworkresult(result) event and getNetworkResult() for Network Characteristics. disabled by default, set hi5.appcfg.detectNetwork = true to enable it. 2. RDP: hi5.appcfg.displayVC option to disable Display Update Virtual Channel. 3. More...