SparkView 5.9.0 – Build 962

Build 962 1. Added errMsgCode and errMsgValue parameters, which can be used to send error information to users. 2. Fixed session information is visible in recorded SSH session issue. 3. Workaround for mouseup event can not be captured issue when session is in iframe...

SparkView 5.9.0 – Build 961

Build 961 1. Delete the PDF file generated by printing in 2 minutes after it’s downloaded (It was 20 seconds). Build 960 1. Rollback the buffer size change introduced in build 959. Build 959 1. Set soundPref=1 as a workaround of microphone audio issue in Zoom...

SparkView 5.9.0 – Build 960

Build 960 1. Rollback the buffer size change introduced in build 959. Build 959 1. Set soundPref=1 as a workaround of microphone audio issue in Zoom meeting. Build 958 1. Fixed a VPN SSO issue on VNC connection. Build 957 1. Added setLinks method to change...

SparkView 5.9.0 – Build 959

Build 959 1. Set soundPref=1 as a workaround of microphone audio issue in Zoom meeting. Build 958 1. Fixed a VPN SSO issue on VNC connection. Build 957 1. Added setLinks method to change “/DOWNLOAD?”, “/CLIP?” links. 2. Don’t show...

SparkView 5.9.0 – Build 958

Build 958 1. Fixed a VPN SSO issue on VNC connection. Build 957 1. Added setLinks method to change “/DOWNLOAD?”, “/CLIP?” links. 2. Don’t show “Uploading finished” message after uploading was cancelled. 3. Default value of...