by webadmin | Feb 3, 2022 | SparkView ReleaseNotes
Build 997 1. RDP: Fixed a failed to copy file issue when the file has specific size. 2. Added SessionInformation argument in com.toremote.gateway.plugin.Filterable.pipe method. 3. sessionRecord value will be returned too when you query information for a single session...
by webadmin | Jan 31, 2022 | SparkView ReleaseNotes
Build 996 1. RDP: Fixed copying file not working issue when mapDisk is disabled. 2. Added in gateway.conf (file.filter is for uploading). Build 995 1. RDP: Supports Smart Card Sign-in with new ‘passwordIsPin’ parameter. Build 994 1....
by webadmin | Jan 21, 2022 | SparkView ReleaseNotes
Build 995 1. RDP: Supports Smart Card Sign-in with new ‘passwordIsPin’ parameter. Build 994 1. SparkGateway.jar works in Java 8 if SNMP is not enabled. Build 993 (6.1) 1. RDP: WebUSB based USB redirection. 2. RDP: No temporary file generated on gateway...
by webadmin | Jan 16, 2022 | SparkView ReleaseNotes
Build 994 1. SparkGateway.jar works in Java 8 if SNMP is not enabled. Build 993 (6.1) 1. RDP: WebUSB based USB redirection. 2. RDP: No temporary file generated on gateway when you copy a file from the server. 3. RDP: New cipherSuitesClient in gateway.conf to configure...
by webadmin | Jan 11, 2022 | FileCloud ReleaseNotes
Upgrade to access new and enhanced features. Here are some highlights of the release: Admin Dashboard – The Admin dashboard has been updated. Now Admins and Admin users are able to rearrange widgets on the dashboard as well as perform quick actions, Admin Portal...