by webadmin | Apr 19, 2019
Q: How can I use the authentication token returned by Active Directory with Remote Spark? A: This kind of token is not supported by RDP protocol, so for now you’ll have to forward the credential to the RDP server which is the only way.
by webadmin | Apr 19, 2019
Make sure you are using HTTP Basic Authentication as SSO method. Also it doesn’t work on login.html, you’ll have to create a new web page with all the links you want.
by webadmin | Apr 19, 2019
Set credSSP = true in gateway.conf (need to restart the gateway) which will apply to all the connections on the gateway Please also be aware, you may need to install this Windows update (support TLS 1.1, 1.2 in RDP server) on your RDP...
by webadmin | Apr 19, 2019
You can use $rdp.sessionInfo.appInfo.joinLink to get the join link, modify it in onsessionstart(sessionInfo) event.
by webadmin | Apr 19, 2019