How to start RDP connection in full screen

function _fullscr(e){ var element = document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.mozFullscreenElement || document.fullscreenElement || null; console.log(“fullscreen….. w:” + window.innerWidth + ” e:” +...

How to update SparkView?

Don’t reinstall the application. Please download the zip file. Replace the html directory and SparkGateway.jar with the new files extracted from the zip file, then restart the gateway.

Failed to start Gateway

If you see java errors in commons-daemon*.log, that may be: Java is not installed, run “java -version” to check. Multiple JDK/JRE installed, and you are using the wrong version (X64 SparkGateway can only run on X64 JDK). Open SparkGateway Manager,...