How to know if an user successfully logged into RDP session?

In server side plug in, if SessionInformation.getConfig().session.random is not null, that means the user logged in successfully. On client, the RDP JS library has onloggedin() event. In the log, you can see “User: xxx domain: xxx in session: xxx successfully...

Use Spark View as a Java library

The server side component (SparkGateway.jar) can be used as a library and included in your project. You may want to remove the third party libraries from the jar if you have version conflict. Make sure following packages are not removed: com.toremote.* net.protocol.*...

Time zone redirection doesn’t work.

Make sure time zone redirection is enabled on the RDP host. Time zone name may be different on your RDP host. Plese check [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones], and modify the time zone name on your web page accordingly(e.g....

What should I have in my customized web page?

<!doctype html>. Which is very important because the box model is different. View port configuration if you want to make it works better on mobile devices. “filecontainer” div if you want file uploading/downloading “appinfo” div if you...