SparkView 6.1.0 – Build 1004

Build 1004 1. SNMP: Fixed incorrect enterprise id issue. 2. Fixed on file.viewable doesn’t work on gaetway side issue. Build 1003 1. New entry in gateway.conf, which can be used for load balancing. This unique id will be automatically generated if...

SparkView 6.1.0 – Build 1003

Build 1003 1. New entry in gateway.conf, which can be used for load balancing. This unique id will be automatically generated if it’s not set. 2. The CONTROL?target=gateway HTTP API returns the too. 3. The value of hi5.appcfg.loadbalanceTokenName...

SparkView 6.1.0 – Build 1002

Build 1002 1. Fixed AD Group member issue with server.json. 2. Updated sshdirect.html. 3. Enable smartCard in servers.json (set smartCard: true); 4. Organization name for Two factor authentication in gateway.conf (set organization in gateway.conf). Build 1001 1. Fixed...

SparkView 6.1.0 – Build 1001

Build 1001 1. Fixed shift and command key stuck issue when taking screenshot on macOS with Shift+CMD+4. 2. Fixed groups property in users.json not working issue when the group name is invalid (for Active Directory). 3. Credentials in SMB URL is not logged. Build 1000...